Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yellow Frittata

Sometimes when I come home from work, my go to dinner is a frittata. I like them because they're so quick, and a good way to use up any vegetables lingering in the fridge.

I called this one a "yellow" frittata, though I didn't plan it that way. Yellow because it included yellow potato, yellow pepper and some leftover yellow beans. The green you see is some cooked chopped bok choy and herbs (chives and parsley).

I started by dicing a small potato and blanching it for about five mintues while the pan heated up and the oven got warm. After they were fork tender, I put then in the hot frying pan in a bit of olive oil and sauteed them until they were crisp. Then, in went a handful of sliced pepper, cooking until it was a bit soft and had some colour. Then I beat a couple of eggs with the chopped herbs, and added it to the pan. I threw on some beans and a bit of grated cheese (yellow cheddar, in keeping with the theme).

A few minutes in a 400C oven and the whole thing puffs up and gets golden brown. All in, the dish takes about 20 minutes from start to finish. I had mine on its own, but it would be nice with a side salad as well. A pretty satisfying weeknight dinner if I do say so myself.

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