Saturday, April 11, 2009

Hola Cuba

So I visited Cuba for the first time in March and had a great time. As expected, the beaches were beautiful and the people were very friendly.

My absolute favourite thing (because I am a really lazy person, who is incredibly fond of naps) are the outdoor beds (little tent like structures with curtains in the picture). Let me just say that a few pina coladas, followed by an outdoor sleep is one of the best ways to spend an afternoon ever.

One day we left Varadero to go into Havana, where we toured the city. I took this photo of some street ladies. Check the woman in the background holding up the massive pair of underwear. WTF?

Like, did she just take them off? Is she holding them for a friend? Or did some well-intentioned Canadian give them as a gift? I prefer this last theory. "Here you go, my communist-suppresed sister, a pair of previously-enjoyed gotchies from the land up north. Wear them in good health!"

The architecture in Havana is really interesting, even though most of the buildings are decrepit and in some state of disrepair. This is one of the government buildings adorned with Che's face. His face isn't just on buildings either : you can buy an entire Che wardrobe in Cuba if that's your thing. Sadly, Fidel's mug isn't anywhere to be found.

I'm currently reading Stuff White People Like and one of the items on the list is Che Guevara, so I guess I fit the mold!

Here's a shot of some school kids we say walking along a Havana street. So cute!

Apparently Cuba has almost 100% literacy rate. Cubans can go to school for free and even when they're in university or grad school, all their supplies, books, even sheets, towels etc. are all paid for by the government. And students can choose to study whatever they like (medicine, law etc.) without writing any kind of entry test or meeting certain criteria. As long as they maintain their grades, then they can graduate.
Communism rules!

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