Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Sneeze-ster

While I've been thinking about starting a blog for a long time, one of the reasons I chose this weekend to launch is because I've been housebound with a wicked spring cold. And in case you're wondering, yes, I did want to spend a four-day holiday weekend stuck on my couch surrounded by cups of tea and Kleenex balls.

Needless to say, I'm not too happy about the situation. And that's mostly because I'm pretty sure I caught this cold from a co-worker, who came in to work all last week where she hacked and snorted away in her office. It didn't help matters that she constantly -- and loudly -- proclaimed to everyone that it was perfectly safe for her to be at work because she's read the "literature" and as long as she washed her hands and sneezed into her armpit, she wouldn't contaminate anyone else.


Speaking as the exception to that "literature" let me offer up a tip for anyone who works with other people. If you are coughing ferociously and loudly, whether it's into your armpit or not, those germs you're spewing don't know where the boundaries of your office end. There's a pretty good chance that your cold plague will float across the hall and infect your innocent co-worker. And if you cough all over the photocopier, printer and fax machine THAT EVERYONE USES, then you double or triple the chances of getting your colleagues sick.

So quit being a martyr and stay home when you're sick. Because really, I don't like you that much to begin with, and getting me sick isn't helping change that.


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