Thursday, April 16, 2009

Blood orange tart

Now that spring is finally here, I guess I should write about a winter fruit recipe I made a few months ago (okay, so the seasonal segue isn't the greatest, but it's been a long week).

Anyhoo, I'm a big fan of blood oranges for their beautiful colour and their seemingly constant supply at my neighbourhood Farm Boy. I came across this recipe and was inspired to recreate it just as soon as I finished drooling over the photos.

The pastry is a cinch to whip up, and it baked into a lovely, crispy display for the bejewelled fruit. I must say the preparation of the oranges is a bit fussy, in that you have to tediously segment so many of them, but the purple-stained fingers and hands were well worth the end result. I love rustic tarts for their intrinsic handmade quality, and this one produced a manageable sized dessert as well. Very good for just a handful of people.

I'm not sure I'd bother with the salted caramel sauce again, though I might give it another try as I think I burned the sugar a bit. A spoon or two of thinned out dulce de leche would be an equally yummy substitute.

My orangina rustica!

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