Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blue cheese pizza with pears and arugula

Who says pizza has to include tomato sauce and mozzarella? Not me. Besides, if you go that route, you're stuck with the leftover can of pizza sauce that will just grow mould as it sits in your fridge. Much better to stock up on some pears and blue cheese and get at it!

This recipe comes from Chatelaine which has undergone a bit of a makeover of late (or should I say the latest makeover in the past five years). Now it resembles the old Wish magazine -- which I loved -- and which isn't a coincidence, as the former Wish editor is now at the helm of Chatelaine. Anyway, if you haven't picked up a copy in a while, it's worth a look.

But back to the pizza....

Start with your pears and slice 'em up. Actually, you start a few hours earlier by making the crust, which will have suitably risen by this point...

...until it looks like this. At which point you spread with olive oil and sprinkle with cayenne.

Then comes the assembly. A layer of arugula, followed by the pears and blue cheese. More olive oil to make it shiny.

And into the oven it goes until it looks like this. This is really tasty, and while the crust is a bit of a bother compared to my usual recipe, it was really good.

Blue cheese pizza with pears and arugula
From Chatelaine, October 2010 edition

3 tbsp whipping cream (35%)
4 tsp grainy Dijon mustard
2 tsp regular Dijon mustard
1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp honey
2 firm but ripe Bosc pears
extra virgin olive oil
1 recipe pizza dough
1 pinch cayenne pepper
3 cups argula, plus more for garnish
114 g blue cheese, crumbled

1.Preheat oven to 500F. Place a large baking sheet in the oven and heat for 45 min.

2.Whisk cream with mustards, lemon juice and honey in a medium bowl. Reserve. Cut pears into 1/4-in. slices and toss with 1 tsp olive oil to coat.

3.Cut dough into 2 portions. Roll 1 out into an oval and place on a sheet of parchment paper. Trim parchment so it’s just wider than dough. Brush dough with olive oil. Sprinkle with cayenne. Top with half of arugula and drizzle with more olive oil. Top with half of pear slices and half of blue cheese.

4.Remove hot baking sheet from oven and quickly transfer pizza and parchment paper onto it. Bake until edges are golden and crisp, 12 to 15 min. Transfer to a platter and garnish with additional arugula if you wish. Repeat with remaining pizza. Serve with mustard sauce.

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