Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Pita pizza

This isn't really a recipe per se, but it does make a quick and easy meal, so I thought I would share.
What you need is a small pita (I like whole wheat) and a bunch of toppings. I generally favour a Greek style, so I start with some tapenade for the base, probably a tablespoon, spread over the pita with the back of a spoon.
Then you go to town with the toppings...
You really can use whatever you have lying around. I sometimes use leftover chicken, usually roasted, but a rotisserie will work just as well. Add some sliced mushrooms, peppers, red onion, a bit of fresh or dried thyme, and voila! Finish off with some crumbled feta, a bit of black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil.
Into the oven (350) for 15 minutes or so, until the cheese melts and the pita is crips, and you've got dinner. Told you it was quick and easy!

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