Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Garden goings on

I totally lucked out in the garden department with my new house. The previous owners had definite green thumbs and I'm reaping the benefits. It has been fun these past few weeks to see what's popping up, almost on a daily basis. I just hope I don't manage to wreck everything by the end of the summer!

Here's a look at what's going on....

I thought for the longest time I had a magnolia tree in the backyard, but then when I saw all the other magnolia trees in bloom, I realized it wasn't. But this week, the tree has sprouted these pretty yellow blossoms. Still not sure what it is, but I like it.

This is the curly willow in the backyard.

These weird pink flowers bloomed really early and seem to be sticking around. Not sure what they are either.

And I was so happy to see lots of grape hyacinths in the front. I love them!

So much so that I picked them and put them on my kitchen window sill. Pretty, right?

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