Saturday, March 13, 2010

Salmon fritters

*I altered the title of this post after my mother informed me my grandma always referred to this recipe as salmon fritters.

I think I have a genetic pre-disposition to buying tinned salmon. Members of my family have been known to scour flyers to salmon sales and then stock up by the box-full when the bargains strike.

I've never really been a fan of the stuff myself. But now that it's apparently un-PC to buy farmed salmon, I thought I might give in to my hereditary traits and purchase a can. Other than salmon sandwiches, which aren't really my favourite, there's not a lot to do with the little cans of fish. Except for this recipe, which I've resurrected from my past. I know my grandma used to make salmon cakes, and I can remember my mum doing the same.

So, spurred on my a mixture of sentimentality and a desire to slash my food bill now that I am house poor, a tin of salmon found its way into my grocery cart this week. With some leftover mashed potatoes in my fridge, I decided to try my hand at whipping up some salmon cakes myself. (note: my mum says you can also use crackers if you don't have mashed potatoes lying about.)

I didn't have a recipe to go from, so I went partly from memory, and partly from what I thought would taste okay. I beat an egg in the bottom of a bowl, then added in some salt and pepper and a good teaspoon or so of dried dill. Then came half a diced onion and the can of salmon, broken up with a fork. I added enough leftover potatoes to reach the consistency I wanted -- think meatloafy and you're there.

So here they are in the pan, cooking away in a bit of olive oil. Yes, the pan is overcrowded, but I was being lazy.

And here they are browned on one side. The cakes are more delicate than, say, a hamburger, and as everything is cooked already, you're really just crisping the outsides and warming everything through.

And here's the finished result on my plate. I won't lie and tell you that this is the best supper you'll ever have, but if you're looking for something that's pretty easy to whip up, fairly quick and economically uses up leftovers, it's a winner.

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