Thursday, November 26, 2009

Prague in pictures

I've been negligent in posting pictures from my trip, so here are a few from pretty, pretty Prague.

First, the not so pretty snipers guarding the Pope's motorcade. Yes, our trip coincided with a visit from His Holiness. No one in Prague was very excited to see him, and frankly, neither we were. But we happened to stumble upon the street where he was staying, so we waited around for a bit to see him leave. About 25 cars and several more motorcyles preceeded him.

We think the Pope was in this car. Good view, no?

View from Charles Bridge at night. All the lamps were gas, giving off a yellowish glow.

Gold building in Prague.

The astronomical clock in Old Town Square.

Jazz musicians jamming on Charles Bridge.

View of Prague rooftops.

Another view from Charles Bridge. Thanks for pointing in my shot, buddy!

Stained glass at Prague Castle.

Changing of the guard at the castle.

Typical streetscape in Old Town Square.

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