Sunday, October 18, 2009

Budapest in pictures

I finally found some time to sort out my picutres -- at least some of them! Here are some of the best from Budapest (in no particular order).

View of the Danube with Buda on the left and Pest on the right. We stayed on the Pest side.

Budapest parliament buildings, in the Gothic revival style. Very impressive.

Parliament from the water.

Budapest's opera house.
Some shiny new architecture in amongst the old. (This picture is actually cooler than I intended -- check out the reflection of the old building in the glass.)

A store featuring some traditional Hungarian arts and crafts.
We came across this scene on our first day. Not sure of the point, but these folks were all participating in some kind of timed chalk drawing challenge. The street that's closed off is Andrassy, a beautiful boulevard in front of Heroes' Square.

And here's Heroes' Square. It looked amazing lit up at night.

This is the serial killer stairway of our apartment building. The steps were all worn in the middle from years of use. Pretty scary at night!

And the courtyard of our apartment building. Our was the only rental unit -- real people lived in all the other units!

This was the little store next door to our apartment. You could buy everything from milk (tej) to fresh paprika peppers. It seemed to open about 6 a.m. and stayed open late as well. Our street also had a dollar store, butcher shop, and travel agent.

Here's a view of the apartment living room/dining room. Check out the cool herringbone floors. The apartment was huge, all fitted out with Ikea furniture and had 13-foot ceilings.

Budapest has a really charming subway system. This picture doesn't do it justice, but everything is tiled and teeny. The cars themselves are really small, and each stop is preceeded by a cute little chiming of bells. We found it really efficient -- not to mention cute!

This is the inside of Gresham Palace, a truly gorgeous art-nouveau hotel right on the water on the Pest side. This photo doesn't quite capture the elegance, but the floor was intricately tiled in a mosaic pattern, and the ceiling was all glass and sparkling chandeliers. We had coffee and sweets in the hotel dining room. It was so nice!

Here's me, resting in the lobby. Note the purple upholstery! I wanted to lived in that place.

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